Mountain View | Blenheim Lodge | Lake District | Cumbria

“How are you doing?” That’s a question that I’d like to ask my readers today. During this time of the coronavirus, most of us are so focussed on those we care about that we forget about ourselves. So, “How are you doing?” I hope that this finds you well physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

Our friendly rescued Blue Dane, Horatio, says, “How are you doing?”

There has been so much doom and gloom in our current health and economic climate, but Nature hasn’t quite co-operated with the emotions of its 2-legged mortals. The skies are blue, the sun is out, the air is fresh (without the fumes that come from combustible engines and smoke of bypassing smokers and vapers), and the peace and quiet that surround us here in some places only is lovely, allows us breathing space to ponder all the good and make sense of the not so wonderful things in our lives. (N.B. You’ll find out further on in this post why I have written “some places only”.)

Dog Walking
Fell walking from Green Lane to Winster with Horatio.

In the Lake District National Park, our lives as B&B-ers have taken an abrupt break, except that I am writing this blog post and watching and reading a lot of news about Covid-19 and its effect on the world’s populations. We are, of course, closed at present during the lock down. It is, however, impossible to judge how the world can suddenly re-open for business again when we cannot see the virus and have no vaccine yet to prevent its re-infection. Moreover, tests need to be done of a vaccine that is harmful only to the virus but not to the humans who are trialling it. Having said that, someone I know wrote to tell me that some people have already trialled the vaccine, and so far the results have been heartening. Praise God for that!

Meanwhile, in the Lake District, our beautiful area continues to bask in blissful tranquillity under white fluffy skies, interrupted only by birdsong punctuating the still and silent air. Sometimes, on our once-a-day-allowed-walks, we meander through fields of sheep baaing, the young ones in particular crying loudly in play or truculence in the presence of their dams. It is really quite entertaining and mesmerising to watch the pretty lambs run and leap in play whilst their often bedraggled mothers watch proudly on.

the dales way walk with dog
Walking The Dales Way with Horatio today.

Walking paths and roads may be less busy now – but not always. We were amazed when we went to a local shop to buy some milk to see about 12 people congregating outside a coffeeshop with absolutely no observance of the social distancing rules that the government here and in other countries have instituted. And when we went to post a letter to our accountant, the main street in Windermere looked as busy as it normally did, with many vehicles parked curb-side, and numerous people either window shopping or popping in and out of stores that are still open. Close to home, we have spotted people we’ve never seen before in the vicinity, and there have been reports in the press and Facebook that people are still driving many miles to the Lakes in order to enjoy the beauties of the National Park.

Blea Tarn, according to a comment on the Cumbria Police Facebook Page, was inundated with visitors. One can understand why, given its beauty. However, lockdown is NOT the time to travel miles and miles from other cities to visit the Lake District National Park. This beautiful spot will be here for visitors to enjoy when the Lakes are open again.

Last night, I decided to take a look at the Cumbria Police Facebook Page, and read the comments of writers noting their concern that too many people are coming into the Lake District National Park where our guesthouse, Blenheim Lodge, is located. Supposedly, they were coming here “to exercise” because of a loophole in the National Police Chief Council guidelines, which seem to differ from the UK Government’s own guidelines. This morning, after numerous comments by people on the Cumbria Police Facebook Page, I saw that Cumbria Police had repeated a statement that they had previously put out reflecting the government’s position. The unfortunate thing is that many people aren’t obeying governmental directives and risking both their own and other people’s health and lives.

Well, these are my musings for the day. Locals have been so concerned about the way people are flouting rules here because everyone knows what the consequences can be. When all this is over, we would love to share our Lake District home and countryside with you. Meanwhile, please do check back often on our blog and follow it, or visit, follow and like our Facebook and Instagram pages for inspiration of what to see and do when visitors are finally able to return to the Lakes and enjoy it to their hearts’ content.

The Langdale Room with a View of Lake Windermere
Enjoy a relaxing cuppa in front of huge triple floor to ceiling bay windows overlooking Lake Windermere and the fells in The Langdale bedroom.


We have also opened our calendar now for late 2020 after the shutdown has ceased and 2021 bookings, if you’d like to take the plunge and book now for later on!

How has your day been? We’d love read them in your comments.

The Poppies Ropom with a view
Lake views from The Poppies bedroom at Blenheim Lodge B&B.

Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’

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