September days: betwixt Summer and Autumn, where the scenery in our beautiful Lakeland hangs on to that green vibrancy of Summer yet begins to take on that special warmth of Autumn colour. On sunny days, the skies are a cerulean blue; on wet ones, the steady patter of gentle raindrops creates a softness in the atmosphere, where mist and cloud combine to form mysterious veils upon the Lake District’s iconic fells. I love it! And thought I would share some recent photos with readers of the beautiful landscapes within the immediate surroundings of our Bowness Bed and Breakfast, Blenheim Lodge.
Cockshott Point

Bowness Pier

View of Lake Windermere and Fells from Blenheim Lodge Bed and Breakfast

View from The Dalesway bedroom at Blenheim Lodge to Brant Fell, right behind our Bed and Breakfast

The Dales Way

We are truly blessed at Blenheim Lodge with Lake Windermere to the front of our Bowness Guest House and Brant Fell as our backdrop. Indeed, our Bowness Bed and Breakfast nestles into Brant Fell, with its summit within an easy 40-minute walk from our door. At the top, are far-reaching 360-degree views that overlook Lake Windermere to the fells beyond.
Brant Fell Summit

I hope you have enjoyed this series of photographs depicting only a small section of this stunning part of the Lake District near us in Bowness on Windermere. Blenheim Lodge is located within the Lake District National Park, and, indeed, there is much to see and do; and, of course, much is readily on our doorstep to explore. Do come and join us at Blenheim Lodge B&B for a few days of peace and relaxation, where you can take your time to enjoy the Lakes in all its glory. Look forward to meeting you soon!
Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’