Zack came to nudge me awake this morning. Eyes bleary but, being the indulgent owner that I am, I got up to go walkies with him and Hubby. What a wonderful vista greeted us: an inversion hung over Windermere, backlit by radiant morning sunlight glinting off the surrounding fell tops. ‘Thank you, Zack!’ 

The view from our house this morning of Windermere and the fells. 25.11.16
The view from our house this morning of Windermere and the fells. (25.11.16)

Practically on our doorstep – since Blenheim Lodge Guest House literally snuggles into Brantfell – are acres of open fields, trails, woodlands and viewpoints to explore. We took Zack up to Post Knott, about a 20-minute leisurely meander from our front door. The ground was pretty frosty but otherwise the air was very still and I felt cosy and warm in my outdoor gear.

At Post Knott viewpoint this morning with Zack and Hubby for walkies.
At Post Knott viewpoint this morning with Zack and Hubby for walkies.

Zack’s ablutions completed, we walked back downhill via part of The Dales Way, which practically ends in our backyard. On the way down, I stopped to take a couple of photos, the second of which shows our guest house where it backs onto Brantfell.

There are stunning views to be had just on our doorstep. The Dales Way footpath is seen here encrusted with frost. We share a similar view of Lake Windermere and the fells from our house with our guests.
There are stunning views to be had just on our doorstep. The Dales Way footpath is seen here encrusted with frost. We share a similar view of Lake Windermere and the fells from our house with our guests.
Align your eye with the fence post in the photo and look straight through the trees at a large white Victorian house in the background. That is our Bed and Breakfast, Blenheim Lodge.
Align your eye with the fence post in the photo and look straight through the trees at a large white Victorian house in the background. That is our Bed and Breakfast, Blenheim Lodge.

Why not come and share this spectacular Lakeland scenery with us on our doorstep? We are currently having some fantastic Special Offers over Autumn, Winter and Spring, including a FREE night’s stay when booking seven nights. Come take a romantic break, a walking holiday, a quiet relaxing getaway, or some ‘me’ time on your own. We’d be delighted to welcome you!

‘Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’

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