Life is an odd thing: a precious gift . . . a jubilant joy . . . a nondescript blur . . . a painful trial . . . a gracious gift from above. During this post-coronavirus time, where everything has changed, though not always for the better, life can feel like a difficult slog. Many are worried; some are sad; but those who have done well out of this pandemic will be able to say that they have made the best out of a bad situation.
The coronavirus has indeed impacted the majority of humanity. However, there remain sparks of joy: the birth of a new child; the purchase or adoption of a new pet; the consistent beauty of the seasons; the kindness one finds in humanity; the glory of Nature! Life in the Lake District displays, in particular, the latter quality at this time of the year.

Autumn is here, and I am thankful to say that our scenery in the Lake District continues to be spectacular to the appreciative eye. We live here at Blenheim Lodge, and marvel at this amazing landscape from our Bed and Breakfast windows that is millennia old; and the wonder is that despite mankind’s sometimes clumsy best efforts to destroy it for his own greed, it has nonetheless survived.

The Lake District National Park
We have been living in the Lake District National Park now for just over 21 years. During this time, we have seen how things have changed. Trees have been cut down. Swathes of land have been commandeered in order to build new homes and other infrastructure. In peaceful villages, sweet with their quiet charm, permission has often been given to drastically change or build structures not always in keeping with their local character.
Nonetheless, the Lake District National Park has, on the whole, maintained its distinct appeal. From our windows, we can see the magnificent fells that Autumn’s golden hand has touched. The waters of Windermere, reflecting our sun-kissed or cloud-covered skies, are veritable mood followers of this ever changing weather. How many seasons will we see in one day?

Visit the Lake District
I learnt long ago when I first visited the Lake District decades back as a student that I could expect four seasons in a day. Climate change has probably made it hotter in the Lakes than I had ever thought to experience since we moved here in 2002. The cooler seasons of Autumn and Winter – particularly Autumn – are still my favourite times of the year in the Lakes.
I hope, that when you have time to travel, you will come and join us in the Lake District to experience this spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Site for yourself. Blenheim Lodge is quietly located away from the madding crowd but close to all local amenities and attractions, with easy access to other areas of the Lakes.

Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’
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