Let’s indulge in a little whimsy when you read this today!

Do you know these lyrics?

If you go down in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise
If you go down in the woods today, you’d better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain
Because today’s the day the teddy bears have their picnic.

(“Teddy Bears’ Picnic”, with lyrics by Jimmy  Kennedy and music by John Walton Bratton)

These lyrics came to mind when I began writing this post because I wanted to share a little known secret treehouse hideout in the woods with you.

Treehouse Interior
We came across this treehouse when we walked through some deserted woods today with our rescued Great Dane. Take a look inside! There is a small table made out of a tree stump for a teddy bears’ picnic!

Hubby, Horatio and I were so taken by it when I came across it during our walk today through some very quiet woods where we were the only ones there. Maybe the teddy bears were hiding amongst the nooks and crannies of this wood because we saw none.

Dog and man examining a tree house
Here are Hubby and Horatio taking a closer look at the tree house I found today!

I’m sure that you must know the retort, “Curiosity killed the cat!” Well, just look at what Horatio is doing below.

Giant Dog enters tree house
Horatio couldn’t contain his curiosity and popped his head into the door of the tree house to check it out!

Horatio and I enjoyed peeking into the tree house, and I noted just how beautifully its walls had been woven together with live moss-green branches.

Inside a tree house
Look at just how beautifully woven the walls are in this treehouse! Those bright sparks are chinks of sunlight streaming through the gaps.

As we said a fond farewell to this captivating hideaway, evening sunlight flooded through the leafy woodland canopy, creating rods of slashing rays that surrounded the treehouse reminding me of the protective qualities of a portcullis.

Sun rays protect a tree house
Coloured prism rods of evening light strike protective bars across and around this tree house, as if protecting it from busybodies and marauders.

Where were the teddy bears? Had they finished their picnic? And, I wonder whether this little treehouse with its beautifully sawn trunk-table is where they gather round for tea parties when it rains or snows?

As we left the woods, we saw another wooden structure that reminded us of its magical qualities. Take a look below. What do you think it is?

Strange object in woods
What do you think this object is?

Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’

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