We played host yesterday to a young couple on a short break. They were amazed at the views we have from our rooms. In fact, like many others before them, they thought that the photos we have do not quite do justice to the views that can be seen from our rooms.

Yesterday, I began to go through some of our photos of the rooms and the views from them that we hold. I have to admit that if we had used a professional photographer, our photos would be a lot better! I suppose that we have never used professional photographers to take our guest house images before because we are aware that there are lots of tricks of the trade that can make our place more than it really is. For this reason, we only present unedited photos snapped by amateurs on our website and any advertising we do. Basically, what a person sees is what that person gets.
Having said that, I do wish we were able to portray through our images more nearly the quality of our accommodation and what we offer. Perhaps the problem we have with our photos is the lack of sharpness or definition. I wonder if this could be due either to the cameras in use or the want of expertise by the photographer(s). We have always emphasised the fact that we prefer to show our place the way it is as we are afraid of making our pictures look more brilliant than the reality. Also, perhaps we need to understand more about the effect of light or lighting when taking any images – not, of course, that I have personally taken any! One day, I shall surprise myself and others by taking the plunge and snapping some wonderful photos.

Just to give you a little laugh, I recently did try to take some photos. I had asked our older boy to charge up a camera so that I could use it. A few days later, with fine weather and beautiful sunshine, I noticed just how beautiful the scenery looked outside our house. ‘Good,’ I thought. ‘I will try and take some photos.’ Well, I picked up the camera from my son’s room as he was out at university and took it upstairs. I thought it felt rather light. ‘Never mind,’ I mused. ‘Perhaps I have mistaken the weight of this camera.’
I then walked over to our lounge window, aimed the camera at the lovely views of Lake Windermere through the glass, and switched on the camera. I pressed the button that I thought should snap me a photo. Nothing happened. I double checked that I had removed the lens cover as I could see nothing in the glass panel. It was off, so I depressed the snapping button again. Nothing. I clicked another button. This time the flash popped out. Then I checked that the camera was switched on – again. After that, I tried to take a photo. Still drawing a blank here . . . I gave up.
Later, I complained to Hubby that the camera did not seem to be working. ‘Well,’ he said, ‘Did you put the battery in?’ ‘What battery?’ said I. In all my years, I have only ever really used cameras where one shoves in AA batteries when the previous ones have given up their ghosts. With these new cameras, it seems that one can recharge the batteries. When I had asked my son to charge the batteries for the camera, I had thought that he would simply plug the camera into a mains socket, much like I would charge up my mobile phone. I did not realise that the battery had to be removed from the camera, charged up separately, and then replaced into the body of the camera. Well, what can I say? Even an old body can learn something new each day!
I hope you have enjoyed a little chuckle at my naive tale. I certainly gave a rueful smile and laughed at my own inexperience and naiveté in all things technical. One day, I am sure, I will learn to handle a camera properly, and then I will reap the rewards from all the wonderful photos I will be able to take.

Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’