Today has been what I call a ‘muggy’ day. Despite rather overcast skies and a sun valiantly trying to peep through dense clouds, it has been a warm and humid day, with not so much as a breath of wind to cool temperatures down. The closeness of the air almost felt like it was another layer of clothing on top of what I was wearing already!
Good weather like this makes it particularly enjoyable for most outings on the water. Rowing, canoeing and kayaking can be very pleasant when there is no wind and the resultant choppy water to contend with. The lack of wind also makes it easier to cast one’s line when fishing. One of my sons went out golfing today and played fairly well as there was no wind to blow his golf ball off course.

The Lake District provides plenty of opportunities for the water sports mentioned above. At Lake Windermere itself, there are available for hire rowboats, canoes and kayaks. Anglers can also fish on the Lake. Meanwhile, on Esthwaite Water, there are opportunities for fishing off the bank as well as fishing from rowboats or motor boats. The latter was a firm favourite with my lazy sons and Hubby – they could save their strength for all that line-casting!
Muggy days are also well suited for gentle strolls along woodland paths and beautiful lakes. Canopies of forest greenery stand sentry around cool glades for dawdling with a picnic. Meanwhile, the stunning scenery that surrounds Lakeland’s many tarns and waters offer an excellent excuse for lingering by their cold sparkling waters. Easy fell hikes alongside trickling becks which lead to thundering waterfalls combine the best of both these activities.
Sightseeing around the Lakes is probably one of the most enjoyable ways for visitors to spend a warm – but not hot – muggy day. One can either travel with the air-conditioning on or with the vehicle’s windows wound down to enjoy a breath of fresh air. Go walkabout and enjoy the countrified atmosphere of small pretty villages and tiny hamlets, or take in the bustling activity of lively small towns and larger bustling villages: you might well discover fascinating shops, gorgeous tea rooms, and hidden closes where architectural discoveries may be found.
And finally, if you are like me and cannot be bothered to do anything strenuous at all on muggy days, why not laze around in our lounge with its wonderful Lake views or sit on our porch where two chairs have been strategically placed to take in those same spectacular views of Lake Windermere? Alternatively, take a minute’s stroll from our B&B to the bench that sits atop the first hillock alongside The Dales Way, from which spot you will enjoy some of the most commanding views of Lake Windermere and the hills and fells surrounding it. Holidays are meant for relaxing and refreshing oneself: so do enjoy muggy days the lazy way!

Blenheim Lodge . . . panoramic Lake views, peace and tranquillity, nestled against acres of beautiful fields and woodlands, in the heart of the English Lake District National Park.’
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